Email us to learn more about training options.
And ask us about grants.
I'm a parent
"I am walking away after each session not only with new information but most importantly that spiritual energy I most need to be a good mother."
Current Parent

How can I learn more about ECFL?
1. Call 612-925-1203, or email if you have any questions. We would absolutely love to share more about our program! And there might be a program that is already going in your area. If so, we will help you find it.
2. Let us send you a Starter Packet. The Starter Packet will give a lot of additional information about the program, about the materials that are needed, about training, and lots of other information about what it takes to get ECFL going in a parish.
3. Watch the video and listen to what past participants have said about growing in faith through their participation in ECFL. As you will see, other parents have found the parent-child activities helpful, especially by stimulating family discussion about their belief in God and Jesus. Parents speak about increasing personal and family prayer, learning and re-learning their Catholic faith and becoming better faith leaders in their family. Parents also say how much they learn from one another and how they build long-lasting family friendships through the small group discussion time.
4. Be the "ECFL Champion" in your parish. Talk with your Pastor or with Parish Staff about ECFL. Share the Starter Packet with your Pastor, your Director of Religious Education or the Faith Formation Director. Help them to discover how comprehensive and appealing the program is for parents and children and how much ECFL will help to connect young families to the parish.
5. Talk with your friends who might be interested in Early Catholic Family Life. Suggest they visit our website.
6. Try some of our At Home Parent-Child Activities and let us know what you think! We would love to hear from you.
For additional promotional and informative materials, go to our Resources page.