Email us to learn more about training options.
And ask us about grants.

Early Catholic Family Life (ECFL) is a program designed to draw parents and their children into faith community. We welcome young families and empower them to raise their children confidently with Jesus. We do this by connecting parents with their peers and helping them to learn the best practices in early childhood faith development. We believe that parents are a child’s first and most important teachers.

Early Catholic Family Life teaches young Catholic parents how to create a joy filled home with Jesus at the center. It is our mission to assist parents in teaching their young children our Catholic faith, and to assist Catholic parishes and schools in evangelizing their young families and building community.

"I am walking away after each session not only with new information but most importantly that spiritual energy I most need to be a good mother."
Current Parent
"Our parish likes the ECFL program a lot because it builds a young adult community. Many families attend the same Mass together. There are more children in Church. Families who might not attend Mass regularly become regular Sunday Mass-goers. Families become more intentional in their steps toward family faith. Parents are open to and welcome and seek continuing formation in small groups!"
Formation Director and ECFL Parent Discussion Leader
"We began our first ECFL program the first weekend in October and it is going SO WELL! Our families are providing nothing but positive feedback and as the parent facilitator, I am not only witnessing, but also experiencing spiritual growth among the parents. It is really a beautiful program. Thank you so much for not only beginning this ministry but also helping to see it in use!"
ECFL Parent Discussion Leader, St. Anne's